Je connais tout sur le
TOPE! Biensûr! Le petit, le pointu, le tordu, avec des gens dessus…, ce dos
d’âne mexicain est présent partout au Mexique, dans les villes, villages,
routes goudronnées et non goudronnées Le plus souvent il est indiqué mais
parfois il est inattendu et est souvent précédé d'un cri "Attention Tope!!!" . Il a rendu fou Chrissy et Bip Bip, et probablement la
plupart des conducteurs. Il te fait ralentir presque au point de t’arrêter
parfois au milieu de nulle part. Des vendeurs de boissons, snacks et gadgets en
profitent pour te les proposer ou installent leur stand sur son côté.
Le tope nous a
tellement marqué sur notre route au Mexique qu’il mérite un poste à lui tout
seul et le dernier sur le Mexique.
A suivre, nos
aventures à Belize.
Ah the
TOPES. Sweet little bumps in the road to
control speed. Perfect locations for
which to swarm the passing cars with fruit or juice or tomales. Wanna cold coke? How ’bout a new plastic
steering wheel cover?
The speed
bumps are ubiquitous throughout Mexico, often at the entry and exit of the
village but I swear anyone who has the gumption to make one does in front of
his little stall. Not to mention the
topes on the unpaved roads – as if this concept is not a little redundant!
Often they
are marked but just as often they surprise you - just as your forehead bounces off the
windshield you realize, you MISSED yet another one. Poor Bip Bip has weak knees and I am afraid
of doing some proper damage. Really it
is necessary to slow down just to the point of actually stopping (often
preceeded by screaming ‘TOPE’ and a nose-diving, brake locking, tire squealing
panic reaction) and the to pass these
mother-humpers; risking a rear ender, crushing a swarming child-vendor and just means that another RACE has begun in smoke and burning rubber
to be the FIRST to reach the NEXT tope.
Clearly we
have been affected by these road-jewels, so much so that we needed to make a
whole posting on them. This is the end
of Mexico – good riddance!
Next, our
adventures in Belize.
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